Honey Infusion

Your honey selection will vary based on what you have access to, but I would stick to as close to organic, raw liquid honey. Creamed honeys won’t quite cook with the same consistency.

Dope Dosage (use flower OR shake, not both):

Flower14 grams
Shake28 grams
Honeyper 2 1/4 cups

This is my basic recipe, you can dilute it to be a weaker concentration after cooking if you find it too strong. This specific ratio works best to maintain volume after the cook. You can also make a bigger batch of this, but maintain this consistent ratio for the cook process or you will lose honey volume in the cooked marijuana at the end. Recipes on this site will be written considering this dosage.

Remember that decarboxylation process:

TemperatureTime (high THC)Time (high CBD)
Oven275 F/135 C20 minutes30 minutes

The Process:
Weigh out your weed and decarb it. Keep the layer less than an inch thick, use multiple baking pans if you are doing a big batch.

As your weed decarbs, prepare a double boiler with your honey in the top and get it warming.

Add the decarbed weed to the honey in the top layer of your double boiler.

Simmer over low heat for four hours.

Strain through a sieve and cheesecloth, using the bottom of a metal bowl to press all liquid out of cooked marijuana.

Dilute at this point if desired.

Store in an air tight container, up to 30 days on the shelf.

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